Thursday, June 25, 2015

Russell Barr Williamson - 10829 W Mequon Rd, Mequon

Russell Barr Williamson
10829 W Mequon Rd
Mequon, WI
Built 1955

Donald Grieb - 715 E Juniper Ln, Fox Point

715 E Juniper Lane
Fox Point, WI
Donald Grieb Architect
Built 1949. It was built for the chief editor of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Interestingly it does not have a basement. The second owner altered the house by adding a small second floor to add another bedroom plus removed the flat roof.

Russell Barr Williamson - 9205 N Upper River Rd, River Hills

Russell Barr Williamson
9205 N Upper River Road
River Hills, WI
Built 1956
(This expansive house had significant remodeling occur at some point removing a lot of the original finishes.)

Leenhouts - 2425 N 100th Street, Wauwatosa

Lillian Leenhouts
Built in 1955
2425 N 100th Street
Wauwatosa, WI